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Volume 1 - Issue 1 - Journal Cover Page |
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Contents |
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1. |
A study on Microbial decolourization of Reactive Red M8B by Bacillus subtilis isolated from dye contaminated soil samples
Dr. P. Arulazhagan |
1-13 |
2. |
Production of food grade pigments from Pseudomonas aeroginosa
Yogananth, N., Kalidoss, A., Syed Ali, M. and Anuradha, V.
14-18 |
3. |
Occurrence, Distribution, Hydrocarbon degradation studies of fungi isolated from South East coast of Tamil Nadu, India
R. Senthilkumaran and M.Ravikumar
19-34 |
4. |
Antimicrobial potential activity of leaf extracts of Catharanthus roseus against human pathogens under laboratory conditions.
V. Shanmugaraju and R.Bhakyaraj
35–51 |
5. |
Isolation and identification of bacterial isolates causing conjunctivitis and Antibiogram study
R. Sumathi and D.Preethi
52-59 |
6. |
Phytochemical and antibacterial activity of Vitex negundo, Leucas aspera and Abutilon indicum against wound pathogens
Dr. K. Saravanasingh, P. George Frdrik and Dr. M. Ramamurthy
60-90 |
7. |
A study on Evaluation of phytochemical screening and in vitro bioactivity of leaf and stem extracts of Solanum xanthocarpum (Solanaceae)
Selvi. R and Savitha, S.
91-93 |